Monday, July 2, 2012

Sound the alarm!

Yes. I am a total jeans sweatpants and t-shirt kind of girl. Blame it on the homeschooling. Blame it on the years of being an athlete and the free t-shirts that come with that. Blame it on laziness, being cheap, wanting to be comfortable at all costs...whatever you want.

So why am I dressing up so much lately, y'all? What is wrong with me? Look at these outfits I put on just to go to Target (went once yesterday and once today...I may have an addiction, but that's a different post):

Who is this girl?

Also, my nails AND TOENAILS are painted. I am wearing jewelry-hello, people, a necklace? And my hair is not in a messy bun (although it is in a ponytail...I'm still working on motivating myself to do my hair regularly). I'm a changed woman!

You know, I kind of hate when people say that we shouldn't change. We've all heard it- "Well, she USED to be a, b, c, but now she's x, y, z."

Come on, now. We ALL change. Those of us who used to live in frumpy mom jeans and tattered t-shirts dress up in skirts just to go to Target. Some of us who used to chow down on burgers and fries are now hardcore vegans.

And that's ok. Change isn't necessarily bad. Life is full of seasons. Our friends might change with the seasons; our beliefs may grow and deepen as we become more experienced, wise, and educated.

If you're not willing to change, how will you ever learn new things, explore new ideas, meet new people, or grow as a person? 


  1. Hey Woman! I agree- ppl at work were kidding me for wearing black all the time, so I mixed it up and I'm happy I did :-) CHANGE is GOOD people! :-)

    1. Yes, I used to wear black all.the.time, and now I live for bright colors! :) You go, girl!

  2. i keep braiding and updoing and hairspraying my hair. and i'm obsessed with makeup tutorials on pinterest.

    i do not know what is wrong with me.

    1. Uh, yes, I totally feel you. Pinterest has made me a crafty girly-girl! You need to post some pictures of your makeup/hair endeavors!
