Thursday, July 5, 2012

Recycled t-shirt headband? yes, please!

As a teacher, I'm constantly asked what I do in the summer. It's a tough question to answer because I don't want people to get jealous of all the free time I have. Also, I don't want to appear lazy. So I usually list everything I could ever possibly do to make it seem like I'm super busy: work out, read books, clean the house, cook all the time, plan awesome lessons for next year, teach summer school (which hasn't started yet, but whatever) get the picture.

One thing I've been doing this summer for real is finding cool crafts on Pinterest. And instead of just pinning them and saying, "Man, I wish I had time for this," I am actually DOING them. Since one of my latest fashion obsessions is headbands, and most stores charge ten bucks for those things, I decided to make some myself. I made a few for my sister Michi (who can make a burlap bag look gorgeous), and then I made one for myself.

I used this tutorial (includes video!) for the headband part and this one for the rose. I didn't have any cute buttons, though :( Next time I will!

 This is what the headband looks like. You can see the poor job I did hotgluing it, so I'm going to be neater about that next time.

This is what it looks like on- the flower is kind of off to the side. Because...well, that's where it ended up. 

And I wore it out today and received several compliments on it. Success!

1 comment:

  1. So pretty! Love it! And so glad I found your new blog, I've missed your posts! x
    Island Girl Insights ♥
