Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Anniversary Number Two

It's impossible to pay tribute to the two happiest (and in some ways toughest) years of my life. When a couple prepares for marriage, they hear all sorts of comments. Everyone has their own unique understanding of marriage; marriages are like fingerprints- unique, twisted, complicated, intricate. So here, after two wonderful years, is my understanding:

Marriage is sitting in silence and being completely comfortable, knowing we don't have to say a thing. It's just being together. Sometimes it's me just listening while Randy talks about pharmacy school stuff and chemistry stuff, because even though it all goes over my head, I love hearing his passion and excitement.

It's sometimes fighting about silly things (remember when you ruined my sandwich, babe?) but always forgiving because it's never worth it to hold a grudge. Sometimes it's Randy staying up until 2 a.m. while I tearfully work my way through some emotional crisis I'm having.

It's putting someone else ahead of yourself and encouraging that other person to follow his or her dreams. Because you know they will also encourage you to follow yours.

Marriage is doing the HUGE pile of Randy's dishes even when I really don't want to or picking up a pair of dirty socks on the floor for the thousandth time and getting annoyed...until I remember that if this is the worst of Randy's  flaws, who am I to complain?

It's knowing weird little things about someone else, like where all their birthmarks are or that they always sleep with a shirt on because otherwise they feel itchy or that they don't like the grape flavored Tums.

Marriage is an ebb and flow, a give and take, a complicated dance that alternates between graceful and clumsy, depending upon what you're going through. After all, no one's perfect, and imperfect people result in imperfect marriage. But marriage, like many other things, is a learning experience. Even when you don't feel like dancing anymore and you're stepping all over each other's feet, you keep dancing, because you've promised you will.  I hope we dance until we're old and gray.

And there's a lot that marriage isn't. It isn't all cuddling, snuggling, flowers, romantic dates, and sexy lingerie, though those are certainly good things to incorporate. It isn't always easy, and it's certainly not always painless. But despite others' skepticism about getting married at 21, and despite the moments when I wonder, "What did I get myself into?" and despite the dirty socks on the floor and facial hair in the sink...

I wouldn't want my life to be any other way. And I wouldn't want to share life with any other person.

Happy second anniversary, love.


  1. so sweet! i love the part about marriage being a clumsy dance... so true <3

  2. Thank you! :) Hopefully we'll become better dancers as the years progress :)

  3. What a lovely post. You should read it every year on your anniversary!
