Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The Autumn Leaves

Every single time I hear the phrase "autumn leaves," I think of this Victor Borge video. Yes, I love this man and his sense of humor. What formerly homeschooled piano player wouldn't? :)

I think that Victor Borge and I would have been good friends. I could see us walking around Colonial Williamsburg together, pranking unsuspecting tourists and sneaking into the Geddy House to play a chopsticks duet on the harpsicord. Sidenote: did you know that a harpsicord looks like a piano, but the strings are plucked instead of hammered? Someday, when hubby and I have a house, I want a music room with a piano, harpsicord, English guitar, hammer dulcimer, and pennywhistle. /sidenote

I doubt that I'll ever formally study music again; I'm not disciplined enough. Also, I'm really out of practice at actually reading music and prefer just to listen and parrot. I like to just have some chords in front of me as a guide (as I'm also TERRIBLE at memorizing music...oh, and I get nervous playing in front of people).Thus, playing acoustic covers of "Titanium." and "Call Me Maybe" is sufficient for now.

Does this mean I'm wasting my musical talent? I don't think so. I'd like to use it to bring joy to others, God, and to myself, too. I would not like to end up all over YouTube with people making snide comments. And maybe this is why I never post videos of myself playing or singing...maybe I'm just too insecure and would prefer this gift to remain hidden from the outside world unless I'm doing something just for the fun of it.

Then again, Victor Borge did both. He played in public AND he had a heck of a lot of fun doing so.

Maybe the key is just being yourself, using your gifts in a way that YOU know you're called to do, and saying "whoop-dee-doo" to the people who try to tell you what you should be doing with your talents and abilities.

Or maybe, sometimes those other people have a valid point that should be considered. Maybe they are giving you the kick in the pants you truly need, even if you don't LIKE it. Maybe they're what God is using to get you where you need to be doing what you need to be doing.

All that from a Victor Borge video, ladies and gents.

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