Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Vielen Dank

This week is School Counselor Recognition week.
Or something like that.
It's been hard asking my kids to take the time to write thank you notes to their counselors, but we had some extra time in a few of my classes today, so we did it.

A few of my kids felt like they couldn't write to their counselors (some of the counselors are new to the school). "That's ok," I told them. I've learned always to have a backup plan. "Write to an adult on campus who's positively influenced you. Please do not write to me. Please write to another teacher so I can put your note in his or her mailbox."

But, what do you know?

A couple of my sweet, sweet students decided to write to me. And it literally made my Tuesday.

Those students don't know their letters brought me to tears.

That I will keep their notes in a special folder, never to be thrown away. Never ever.

That, on the days when students are yelling at me because they didn't turn in work and they got a zero, on the days when students think it's ok to throw balled up paper across the room, on the days when students think it's ok to call me "bro" and refuse to take off their hats and headphones in class...on those days, I will pull out their thank you notes, and thank God that He has used me to positively impact even three or four of my kids.

That I am SO thankful for them. They keep my sane. They keep me in this profession. They are beautiful, sincere people who will make a lasting impact on the world. Their parents should be proud of them.

So today, if you can think of an adult (teacher, coach, parent, mentor, counselor) who impacted you positively... won't you take a minute to say a quick thank you?


  1. Thank G-d for teachers such as yourself Christine! :)

    1. Your kind words are a blessing to me. Thank you! :)
