Sunday, February 10, 2013

Effect #489 of being homeschooled

It's 11 p.m. on Saturday night, and a few hours ago, I got sucked into a marathon of The Walking Dead (that zombie show on AMC) while I was waiting to unload dishes. Now, I'm sitting on the couch watching episode 13 of season two and gingerly sipping the melted whipped cream off my hot cocoa (thanks, baby, for making that for me).

I'm about to confess something rather embarrassing. Please don't judge.

Recently, I realized that I had no idea what zombies were. I think I realized this when that guy in Florida did bath salts and ate someone's face off and people were claiming the zombie apocalypse had begun.

Thank you, homeschooling! You shielded me from 98 Degrees, belly shirts, and Boy Meets World. You taught me to play outside, forced me to teach myself grammar, and allowed me to ride Big Daddy Falls at Water Country five times in a row, because there are no lines in the middle of a school day :)

Oh, and you protected me from knowledge about important things. Like zombies.

Am I the only person in the world who didn't know what a zombie is? Please tell me I'm not. I just Googled it and found a really complicated Wikipedia page. Then I read a website that discussed how to survive a zombie attack, but that wasn't helpful. I don't know what a zombie IS. I'm frustrated.

Me: Gah, why can't I just find a simple explanation about zombies ANYWHERE ON THE INTERNET ?
Husband: Maybe because the whole internet knows what a zombie is.


  1. this made me smile! Ok a zombie is an undead. They are fictional (I pray) and they feast on flesh hence the whole eating a guy's face thing. I know what a zombie is but I have never seen a movie with a zombie in it except maybe I am Legend (dark seekers) scary stuff.

  2. Thank you for a succinct explanation! Finally! :)
