Tuesday, December 11, 2012

'Twas the Fortnight Before Christmas

'Twas the fortnight before Christmas
And all through the school
Each student was breaking
Almost all of the rules.
No cell phones? No eating?
No saying "shut up"?
"Forget that, Mrs. Suders!
We'll do what we want."
Some students have mumbled, 
"No half-day before break?
I won't be here, then."
"Oh, boy, that's a mistake!
You see, kids, in my class
We'll be doing work.
An essay, some reading-"
The kids all go beserk!
"You wil'ing, you trippin
You doin' too much!"
To which I just answer,
"Uh huh, yeah, and yup."
A fortnight 'til freedom...
How will I survive?
I'll breathe, and drink coffee
And just stay alive :)


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you! It accurately reflects the behaviors I'm seeing in my high school classroom ;)

  2. I approve this message....that was awesome. Haha.

  3. I remember the feeling of being in school the week before school got out for Christmas!!! Thanks for bring it back :-)

    1. Yes, me too! It's that antsy feeling of anticipation :)
