Sunday, December 23, 2012

Let's cry

 Growing up, I learned how to hide my emotions. I'm not entirely sure why, but I know I thought crying made me weak. I remember my best friend in high school trying really hard to find a movie that'd make me cry (Armageddon finally did the trick). My, how times have changed.

As I've matured and grown more sure of myself, my tear ducts have done a complete 180.
I cry when babies get dedicated at church.
I tear up when I read my students' journals sometimes.
And I am a blubbering mess sitting on my couch right now having read these:

"Make you smile" should read "make your mascara stream down your face and onto your white tanktop."

I'm ok admitting this to you because I'm comfortable in my own skin now. Crying doesn't make me weak. It makes me human. I empathize. I sympathize. I experience emotion. And finally, I'm ok with that.

I hope I can pass this acceptable of emotion on to my kids someday, ESPECIALLY my future sons, if we have any. The belief that it's unmanly for boys to show emotion, sensitivity, and tenderness INFURIATES me to the core of my being. Having grown up with a sweet and sensitive brother, I am especially irate when I see or hear of boys being told to "man up" when they're simply expressing their God-given emotions.

So your child thinks it's sad that Bambi dies at the end of the movie? Praise God that he is caring! Seriously. There are so many desensitized children in the world. Let's not contribute to this problem. 
  • Let's celebrate their sweetness and sensitivity. 
  • Let's teach them to express emotions in appropriate ways. 
  • Let's be a safe place for them to cry, laugh, and stomp their feet. 

And every now and then, let's cry in front of them.

1 comment:

  1. I used to encourage my ex-boyfriend to cry when he was upset about something. I saw him get frustrated every time he gave away any sort of "feminine" emotion and they used to make me so mad. x
