Sunday, December 9, 2012

Puke in your face

Well, up until last Monday, my most embarrassing moment was when I stalled my dad's stick shift car in the middle of the road when I was in high school.

His car was blocking my car, and I wanted to go somewhere really important. Target, probably. Or Wal-Mart. So, I figured I'd just pull it out of the driveway and park on the street. Easy peasy.

Except I stalled out in the middle of the road and could not get it into first gear to save my life

In case you've never heard this story, it has a happy ending: a bus full of children had to sit for two ( was probably more like seven or eight)  minutes while I tried desperately to move out of the way. And then the bus driver called the cops. And then the cop told me I needed to go to driving school to learn how to drive stick, and I giggled because thought he was kidding.

He wasn't.

And then the cop hopped in the car and parked it for me... back in the driveway behind my car. Fail. 

Anyway, I have a new embarrassing moment: walking out of class to throw up. True story.

It all started when I woke up Monday morning with a fever and an upset tummy.

And it ended when I walked out of my fourth block class while the kids were doing a writing prompt. At least I made it out of class first, AND all the way to a trash can (cue applause).
As I was vomiting little chunks of granola and the two ibuprofen my sweet friend brought to me in the middle of class, I heard students (not mine) yelling, "EWWWWW, is she PUKING?! That is SO GROSS!" and laughing. The primal part of me I wanted to go puke in their faces, but that would be extremely unprofessional and kind of gross.

One of my students, however, sweetly asked me if I was ok and offered to move the trash can near the door. I wanted to hug him. Again, though, unprofessional and gross.

Moral of the story: when someone is puking, don't laugh. They might puke in your face.Or not. But either way, it's just mean.

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