Sunday, October 14, 2012

Not for kitties

List of items currently strewn around our house that are not for kitties:
Cough drops.
Bottle caps.
Hair ties.
Twist ties.
Paper clips.
Bobby pins.
Toilet paper (not currently strewn...but has been on occasion) 

List of items Minion plays with on a daily basis:
Cough drops.
Bottle caps.
Hair ties.
Twist ties.
Paper clips.
Bobby pins.
Toilet paper (not currently strewn...but has been on occasion) 

*shakes head*
How come she wants to play with everything that is NOT FOR KITTIES but her fuzzy toys and jingly ball remain untouched, sad and lonely, wondering what makes a cough drop more interesting than they are?

We always seem to crave what is not meant for us.


  1. Sadly, I could post the same thing about kids. My house is cluttered with not-toy-items that my kids keep playing with (at least they're not dangerous, but they are fragile!)

  2. I remember playing with stuff as a kid that probably wasn't meant for playing...but it was good for my imagination :)
