Wednesday, October 10, 2012

What I wish I could tell my students

Sometimes I wish I could take each of my students out for a cup of hot cocoa and just level with them.

Kids...I would tell you that I hold you accountable for tardies and don't accept late work because I know you will rise to the challenge when I set the standards high. When we adults don't expect a lot from you...well, what are we teaching you? We are teaching you that we DON'T believe you can be on time, turn in work on time, or behave responsibility. I hold you accountable because I care about you. Trust me, it'd be a LOT easier to be a slacker with the rules. But that wouldn't do you much good.

I make you read for thirty minutes every day and let you choose your own books because there is value in reading for pleasure! Public school has ruined reading for so many kids. It's sad. I know I was one of those kids who loved reading until I started high school. So, kids, I give you a chance to choose WHATEVER book you want and read it for 30 minutes every day so you will increase your vocabulary, yes, and learn new things, yes...but also so you will just learn to like reading again. 

Girls- TRASHINESS IS NOT CUTE. It is not attractive. It shows that you do not respect yourself. If you don't show self-respect, how can you complain when guys don't respect you? You do not need boys to make you feel beautiful and important. You were born that way. 

Guys- You don't need to act tough in front of me or your classmates. It's ok to admit that your mom is the woman you admire most (this comes through in almost EVERY journal I read, so moms, be encouraged). It's ok to try in school- making good grades doesn't make you nerdy! It's ok to show emotion and to let your guard down every once in a while. You don't have to convince me you're tough- I know better.

You might think I don't like you because I wrote you up for a rule you broke. You might think I'm too strict because I won't let you text in class. That's ok. I will validate your feelings and emphasize your right to make choices. After all, kids, you are young adults. I cannot control you, and I don't pretend that I can.

But I hope you know that I care. I believe in you. I want you to learn, to love learning, to enjoy reading, to like writing, to think critically, to connect your learning with the world around you, to ask questions! Because YOU are the reason I teach.


  1. What a beautiful, heartfelt letter. You sound like such a good teacher, especially because you love and care so much for your students. (((hugs)))

  2. Aw, shucks...thank you. I know they don't always think I'm a good teacher (especially when I won't let them eat in class or listen to music), but I do love them to pieces and want only the best for them!

  3. I loved reading this. I feel a lot of these things already too and I'm not even qualified yet! x
