Sunday, June 30, 2013

League of Legends Analysis

Here is my blog about an awesome League of Legends game I missed.
There was some jungling, ganking, Olaf, Janna...some minions spawned...Miss Fortune probably tried to seduce my husband. Champions bought things and then used them in battles. Champions went into the brush and got, I couldn't see them anymore; they were invisible.

And yeah. That's all I know.

You're welcome.

Tune in next time when I compare and contrast two of the best champions, Ashe and Nunu.

OK, so I'm obviously no expert when it comes to the MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) genre. Everything I wrote in italics is me taking phrases and names my husband has yelled while playing this game, League of Legends, and putting them together into one pile of nonsense.

One time I pretended I was interested in learning about LoL.
I sat at the computer, palms sweaty and fingers ready to click.
Yeah, I could barely even make my "champion" (character) walk the right direction.

But sometimes, because I love Randy, I'll ask him about LoL. Because it's cool that we have our own interests and hobbies. We share a lot of interests, yes. But it's also healthy to pursue what WE want to do and to support each other in those endeavors.

So, when we have to eat dinner a little earlier so he can catch some epic LoL match (hey, I know his favorite team is CLG)'s no big deal. He supports my addiction to House Hunters and reality TV; I support his intersts in LoL and talking about (legal) drugs.

It's one of the beautiful, amazing realities of marriage: the freedom to be who you are but the security of having the support of someone you love.

...I can't type anymore because Randy's sitting next to me watching a stream of some dude playing LoL...back to watching HGTV it is!

Do you and your spouse/significant other have any different interests? Or are you total twinsies?

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