Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The GF Plunge

I was hoping I wouldn't have to write this.
But here goes.

For many, many years, I have felt like my digestive system hates me. Cramping, bloating, and all other sorts of yuckiness have pestered me since at least late middle school, and even before that, I think I had a pretty sensitive stomach.

There have been nights I can't sleep because my stomach feels like its tying itself into knots. Or days that have been ruined by too many (or not enough) bathroom trips.
There have been numerous dietary changes. No red meat- that's been since high school.
Very, very limited soda- also since high school.
No dairy-I've done that on and off.
I'm trying to stay away from soy, but for this to be successful, STARBUCKS needs to get ALMOND MILK.

I've researched, I've talked to health care professionals, I've talked to friends and acquaintances who have had similar issues and experiences.

And the same suggestion kept surfacing: "You should try going gluten free."

So here I am. Not because it's a fad or trend, but because I am desperate for something to work.

It's been ok so far (I can feel a difference, or so I think, although I've read it takes a month or two to get gluten fully out of your system).

It's only been three days, and my diet consists of chicken, fruits, veggies, egg whites, sprouted English muffins (not 100% GF, but the gluten is kind of "pre-digested" and therefore easier on the gut), delicious GF cookies from Trader Joe's, rice crackers, hummus, fish, shrimp. I take Kind bars with me everywhere, because I'm gone at least 10 hours a day and only pack one full meal for the day. I'm not good at planning meals yet.

 I can see where it'll get tough, though. People will probably think I'm rude for refusing their homemade cookies or a cup of beer from a pitcher they bought. They'll think I'm more weird than I am. I'll probably have to take my own food places.

I have a whole new respect for people who do this stuff. Seriously, y'all are awesome.

What dietary restrictions do you have? How do you deal with them??

1 comment:

  1. Aw, If you need any help you can hit me up. I'm full of ideas. Also, if you have a Jewish community near you, start asking your stores if they will be carrying kosher for passover, specifically "Non-Gebrokts" items. All of those are not only gluten free, but also corn free. :)

    We've been dealing with Celiac since a long while (well over a decade!), I've done dairy free, nut free and for a while FODMAPS/FRUCTMAL and now we're treading water a bit in GAPS/Paleo.

    It really does become old hat after a while, and before you know it, it's second nature and you're used to bringing lunch to functions, snacks to outings, and planning trips around hotel rooms with kitchens.
