Monday, January 7, 2013

Living Like Yoga Pants

Break was awesome, friends! I stayed up until 3 a.m. watching America's Next Top Model and Nashville on HuluPlus (best Christmas present ever from the husband). I slept in until ten, ate breakfast, worked out (when I felt like it), studied for the GRE, read books, cooked food from scratch (and froze a bunch of it). I felt like I could LIVE again.
And live I did. Specifically, in my yoga pants.

I was against yoga pants for a long time. They're too tight. Everybody's wearing them. They're only cool if they're from Victoria's Secret, and those pairs cost, like, too much for me.

But then I caved, and I'm oh so glad I did.
Yoga pants are comfy.
They don't make me feel like I have "fat days."
They tuck nicely into boots.
They trick people into thinking I've just worked out, so long as I'm simultaneously wearing sneakers and a sweatshirt.

I literally LIVED in my yoga pants over break.
I wore them for four days straight, washed them, then wore them again.

 Basically, I want my life to by like my yoga pants.
They're flexible and can conform to whatever I throw at them.
They're comfortable. They're versatile. They're relaxing.
They don't put any pressure on me to look cute or overwork myself. They let me breathe, deeply and often.

Not only do I want to live IN these suckers...I want to live LIKE them in 2013. I don't want to be everything and do everything; that phase of my life is over. I cannot coach every team, take every class, be in every club/committee. It's not possible, it's not healthy, and it's not fulfilling. There's a fine line between being DRIVEN (which I am) and DRIVING yourself crazy.


  1. I Totally agree. Big Yoga Pants lover here, not just because I now do Yoga. They are awesome sauce.

  2. Amen I hear you. I'm striving to not over do it this year too.

  3. :) I have avoided them only because I haven't bought myself cloths since my DS2 was born nearly 2 years ago...can't afford it. So maybe for my birthday, I do want a pair so much!

  4. :giggle: Enjoy your pants, and I hope you find the zen your heart's learning to embrace! <3

  5. I've recently founds a love for Yoga pants as well. So much better than the sweat pants or leggings I was wearing before because if I'm running late, I can go out in them and not look trashy.

    AND, I'm able to relax in them and lounge unlike my jeans. Its not that I want to be a couch potato, but if I've been working hard all day its nice to be able to just relax when there is a moment of calm without making a big production out of it.
